sabato 26 marzo 2011

Macho Man on Coke!


venerdì 25 marzo 2011

giovedì 24 marzo 2011

Earthquake & tsunami relief efforts

A Japanese man recovers his classic 1950s Harley Davidson motorcycle, which was ...washed away with his home in the earthquake and tsunami destroyed town of Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan Sunday, March 20, 2011. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)See More
An AP photographer captured this image of a Japanese man recovering his custom 1950s Harley-Davidson motorcycle, which was washed away with his home in the earthquake and tsunami. To assist in the disaster relief efforts, the Harley-Davidson Foundation has made a $250,000 donation through the Red Cross. Follow the link to see the image and get info on how you can join us in supporting the relief efforts in Japan. If you would like to support the disaster relief efforts in Japan, please visit the Red Cross website to make a donation,
By: Harley-Davidson..

mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

Another day on the Road!

Love so much this pictures coz remember me all the time passed on the road with my Bros.
Love Road. Love the sun. Love run whit my bros.
I'ts all perfect when the sun goes down in front an another day full of fun.
Hope in a good spring and in a cool summer too, full of road, bike's & friends.

Erremoto Family

Summer Jamboree

2010 august some of the best go to Summer Jamboree!!!!

still bike expo in rome two great shovel...

Best in class for my opinion!!

the horse

Really like it!!

Born Free III knuk time

martedì 22 marzo 2011

Erremoto Harley Sportster chopper telai rigido

First Love chopperino su telaio rigido base Sportster 883 1993


DicE Magazine